Termination of the Business Relationship with a Client and canceling a Transaction in the event of suspected Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing.
Pursuant to law, the Provider of service is obliged to extraordinarily and unilaterally terminate the Business Relationship and cancel all Transactions with the Client, without observing the advance notification period, if:
i. The Client fails to present upon identification or upon updating the previously gathered data or the taking of DD measures, true, full, and accurate information, or
ii. The Client or a person associated with the Client does not present data and documents evidencing of the lawfulness of the economic activities of the Client, or the legal origin of the funds used in the Transaction, or
iii. The Client uses fictitious persons to carry out the Transaction, or
iv. the Provider of service suspects for any other reasons that the Client or the person associated with the Client is involved in Money Laundering or Terrorist Financing, or the documents and data submitted by the Client do not dispel the Provider of service’s suspicions about the Client’s possible links with Money Laundering or Terrorist Financing.
The decision on terminating the Business Relationship and the activity of carrying out the Transactions shall be taken by the Management Board, considering also the proposal of the CO.
The Client shall be notified of the termination of Business Relationship and cancellation of Transactions in writing, provided that it is consistent with Section Notation about the cancellation of the Business Relationship shall be made in the Provider of service’s Client database or documentation, and a note “AML” shall be added to the Client’s data.